
About Paint Hope Orange

Paint Hope Orange is a fundraising effort to benefit BrookeUSA. It was formed under the umbrella of “Paint America Orange” a fundraising initiative begun by BrookeUSA to engage individuals and corporations in a “do it your way” format, raising money, your way, for BrookeUSA.

The mission of BrookeUSA is to significantly improve the welfare of working horses, donkeys and mules and the people they serve throughout Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas and the Caribbean.

The Brooke, an international charity begun in 1934 by one woman, Dorothy Brooke, has become the largest equine welfare charity in the world. It began, as “The Old War Horse Memorial Hospital” in 1934 in Cairo, Egypt. Dorothy Brooke’s mission then was to rescue equines left behind after WW1 by the British Army. Some 22,000. Five thousand were still alive, working under deplorable conditions with little to no vet care, proper food or rest. The British people responded to her plea for funds immediately. Dorothy Brooke managed to buy back many of the equines and give them a peaceful end, knowing days without labor and a full belly. But she didn’t stop there. Dorothy Brooke knew education was key in preventing the harsh treatment and abuse of working equines and integrated that into her mission while reaching out to owners of all working equines in Cairo, and beyond. The Brooke was born. And now reaches almost 2 million working equines around the world.

. There are so many ways to engage the public. Under the umbrella, Paint America Orange, the possibilities and ways of raising money are only limited by the imagination, energy level and commitment of BrookeUSA followers. Which I have seen firsthand knows few boundaries. So, for me, “hope” is one of the most powerful words in any language. And my donkey girls Charlotte and Isabella were the perfect inspiration, to represent their working equine friends.

The work of BrookeUSA and TheBrooke has given hope and a chance at a better life to over 2 million working equines and the families that they support.

BrookeUSA raises funds to support educational outreach, hands on veterinary care and has helped create support groups between villages who pool their money earned and make loans to each other in times of need. Self sustaining villages are the goal but when BrookeUSA does leave, they are available for more help if needed. To read more about their work go to www.BrookeUSA.org.

All of the items offered for sale on this site are donated, and 100% of proceeds go to benefit BrookeUSA.